Free Marketplace
Health Check

Understanding the SEO on Amazon and eBay marketplaces is key to driving growth. Our expertise & custom-built optimization engine helps ecommerce sellers to understand gaps and identify opportunities, that will help accelerate their evolution.

Our tailor-made solution produces product and customer insights that turn into actionable plans that separates you from the competition.


Marketplace Health Check

Need to check the current state of your SEO on Amazon or eBay? Here’s what you get with our integrated listing optimization solution. 

Includes recommendations to:

Identifying further opportunities for your
SEO on Amazon and eBay

Our custom-built eBay and Amazon optimization engine identifies if you follow eBay's and Amazon's best practices but it can also identify opportunities to optimize your data to separate you from the competition. We can go one step further, our ecommerce expert marketplace teams will provide you insight to make data-driven decisions that will maximize your growth opportunities.

Analyze your listing's SEO on Amazon and eBay

How well does your listing perform on the following key elements on eBay!

Test a listing with our listing optimization tool

SEO on Amazon
ecommerce value

Why work with us to improve your SEO on Amazon or eBay